I met a lady who was shopping in our local tack shop. I got in on the end of a conversation and the owner of the tack shop told the lady, "John has gaited horses, maybe he can help."
Uh, okay, what's the story? Seems that this lady (it's dangerous to guess a lady's age, but I'll wager mid- to late 40's) has become the new owner of her first gaited horse, a 10 year old TWH who has spent his life as a show horse. The lady has been having some back and knee issues and has persuaded herself to get a gaited horse. All her friends ride quarter horses. She has no friend with a gaited horse. She wants this horse as her trail horse... to ride along with quarter horses. Her question to me was what bit should she get the horse as he didn't seem to be comfortable on his very first trail ride in his current setup.
Seems to me she has opened up Pandora's Box! She has more issues than she realizes at this moment. So, I answered her question directly by telling her what I use and why. But, I also mentioned that there was a LOT more to understanding and riding a gaited horse than the bit selection, especially taking a show horse out into the big world of trails for the first time. I really don't know where to go next. She did not ask me for additional help, but if I were to give her any advice, what would you suggest?
I asked if she knew of any trainers that were close to where she lived. She did not. I have a good friend that is knowledgeable in working with riders and gaited horses, but he doesn't live close to her. Could I point her to this forum? My feeling is she needs hands on help. Your thoughts?