Hello Kellie,
I can't address the horses you saw in Iceland--other than I am extremely jealous of your trip. ;-)
Blessi was imported from Iceland and he is fairly typical of the breed. We have trouble finding saddles for the Icelandics since they tend to be round, low withered, extreme boulder shouldered, very short backed. Blessi's gullet size is 8.5 inches but another 13.2 Icelandic that I know has a gullet size of 12 1/4 inches. At the stable where I board Blessi, I chuckled to see an 18 hand Clydesdale wearing an Icelandic saddle--and it fit him beautifully.
I took Blessi to a clinic with Manola Mendez, former chief riding instructor of the Royal Anadulsian School of EQUESTRIAN Art in Jurez, Spain. Blessi was the first Icelandic that Manola had ever seen. He spent 5 minutes going over Blessi amazed at the differences in the breed--size of spine, angle at which ribs come off spine, etc. He said he had never seen a horse built like an Icelandic--a horse breed meant to go through fire, ice, snow. Sometime I'll have to get permission to post that video. ;-)
Also, Kellie I want to thank you for helping me evaluate the AMT saddles. You sent me a demo saddle and I absolutely loved it. It just about fit Blessi so I would suggest that anybody who has an Icelandic on the medium to narrow side should check out these saddles. As a matter of fact, I used the style of saddle that you posted earlier in this thread to help design the saddle that I had custom made.
To the other Pamela: Yes we are really lucky in the horses that we have. I love hearing about Lukka and Luna.
Regards, Pamela N.